Quickstart Guide


The first steps are to clone this repo and then install conda and snakemake. We can then install the Core Genes Extraction (CorGE) library and (optionally) run tests to make sure everything is properly installed.

git clone https://github.com/Ulthran/ShotgunUnifrac.git

cd ShotgunUnifrac/
pip install CorGE

pytest CorGE/tests/
pytest .tests/


If you’ve never installed Conda before, you’ll need to add it to your shell’s path. If you’re running Bash (the most common terminal shell), the following command will add it to your path: echo 'export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/miniconda3/bin' > ~/.bashrc

If you see “Tests failed”, file an issue on GitHub.


We’ll start by creating some dummy inputs to work with using Escherichia coli, Buchnera aphidicola, Cellulomonas gilvus, Dictyoglomus thermophilum, and Methanobrevibacter smithii (a randomly selected group of gut bacteria plus Methanobrevibacter smithii as an outgroup for tree rooting).

echo $'7\n9\n2173' > EX_TXIDS.txt
echo $'GCF_000218545.1\nGCF_000020965.1' > EX_ACCS.txt

This creates two dummy input files

  • EX_TXIDS.txt contains species-level taxon ids which CorGE will fetch genes and proteins for from NCBI.

  • EX_ACCS.txt contains genome accessions which CorGE will fetch from NCBI.


You can curate genomes/proteins from NCBI using taxon ids and genome accessions but you can also (in the same command) gather local genomes/proteins as well using the --local flag.

Data curation

To gather the genes and proteins we need for tree building using the files we just created we use CorGE collect_genomes. Then to filter single copy core genes (SCCGs) from each file and merge nucleotide/amino acid sequences by SCCG we use CorGE extract_genes.

CorGE collect_genomes --ncbi_species EX_TXIDS.txt --ncbi_accessions EX_ACCS.txt
CorGE extract_genes

This should create the following directories and files from root

  • ``output/``is a directory created to hold all of the below outputs

  • assembly_summary.txt is downloaded from NCBI to find the best genome accessions for each taxon id.

  • config.yml is provided to the snakemake pipeline to specify what it should look for and where.

  • genomes is a directory containing each of the downloaded genomes (.faa and .fna)

  • filtered-sequences is a directory containing each SCCG from each genome (protein-encoded) in their own files.

  • merged-sequences is a directory containing each SCCG from each genome this time in per-SCCG files.

Tree building

You can check output/config.yml to see that the pipeline defaults to using the supermatrix approach to building a consensus phylogeny and rooting it with outgroup Methanobrevibacter smithii. Everything should be properly set up from running CorGE so we can just go ahead and run the pipeline.

snakemake all -c --use-conda --conda-prefix .snakemake/

This should create the following directories and files from root

  • RAxML_supermatrixRootedTree.final is the final consensus tree.

  • aligned-sequences is a directory containing alignments for the merged-sequences.

  • trees is a directory containing phylogenies built from each SCCG alignment as well as some intermediates in the merging process.


--use-conda causes snakemake to use per-rule defined conda environments while it runs the pipeline. --conda-prefix .snakemake/ tells conda where to put/look for these environments.

Viewing results

The output is RAxML_supermatrixRootedTree.final which can be viewed using any newick-format tree viewer (like ETE Toolkit).


Follow instructions to install anaconda / miniconda and snakemake then

git clone git@github.com:Ulthran/ShotgunUnifrac.git
cd ShotgunUnifrac/
echo $'7\n9\n2173' > EX_TXIDS.txt
echo $'GCF_000218545.1\nGCF_000020965.1' > EX_ACCS.txt
pip install CorGE
CorGE collect_genomes --ncbi_species EX_TXIDS.txt --ncbi_accessions EX_ACCS.txt
CorGE extract_genes
snakemake all -c --use-conda --conda-prefix .snakemake/

You should now have an output called RAxML_supermatrixRootedTree.final.